
This weekend I went down to Oxford to watch and photograph a quidditch tournament, after going to the world conker championships and coming away with some really good photos I was quite confident going into it. After arriving I realised that it was not really on the same scale as the previous event. I wasn’t really sure how the sport worked going into it and after spending an hour shooting I still am none the wiser.

The broomsticks that they would be using in Harry Potter were thin PVC pipes that they were running around the pitch between their legs (quite questionable…). The golden snitch was someone who dressed in yellow with a ball in a yellow sock tucked in and hanging from their shorts.

Overall I was a little disappointed by the event, hoping that it was more of a spectacle. This being said it was still fun and there were some good images to come out of the event that could be used in the final selection. It also made me realised that there are so many groups of people around the UK that have niche interests like this and I’m really looking forward to photographing more of this with this project.

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