Moving forward with new ideas

Since the opportunity to take pictures for this project have been completely ruined by the virus it is now time to get creative and change up the ideas for the book. I know that I don’t want to do something completely different as I believe that I have a strong subject and the photos that I have already produced are not to be thrown away for this module.

The new idea for the project is going to be to split it into two sections, divided by some newspaper headlines on the summer of sport being cancelled, with this being followed by trying to recreate some of the sports on a small scale, or showing the state of them now. For example the London marathon showing the Mall where the runners would come down to the finish line, going to somehow find some sheep to represent the sheep grand-national and more along these lines. At this point there will only be so much that I can create but this seems to me the best option that I have and it will keep it an interesting project.

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