River Thames Public awareness campain

The first idea that pops into my mind when thinking of public awareness campaign and the River thames is along the lines of sports and rowing. This comes from working as a coach at a charity organisation called Fulham Reach Boat Club. They are a charity based upon getting children from lower income backgrounds into the sport of rowing, one stereotypically done by higher income kids who go to private school and higher education, mainly associated with oxford and cambridge and the boat race.

The belief is that rowing gives kids a time that they can focus and really work together in one of the ultimate team sports, where working together is absolutely key in making a boat move. Sport can push them and focus them when school may not be of any interest to these kids.

From my personal experience, some of the kids that go through the program really come out of their shell, we get them to get out of their comfort zone and try something completely new, they have a really fun time and a fair amount come back and join the club for more.